December 3, 2020
What is JAMstack ?
Info JAMstack is a modern web development architecture based on client-side JavaScript, APIs and content written in Markup format. The Static Site Generators are closely related to the JAMstack architecture which in itself is just an acronym. Why …
November 18, 2020
Disqus 'on-click' for your Hugo generated pages
I know, I know.. this is what some themes are offering already but there is plenty that don’t.. many outdated guides are not working and even I had problems finding proper solution. First of all Link to heading These are variables that must be in …
November 11, 2020
CSS Gallery functionality for practically any SSG
Just recently I was looking for a way on how to simply (without JS) make gallery page for my portfolio and made this css out of many guides on the internet :) Simply add this to your css code and try playing with it, there are examples in the article …
November 11, 2020
Native image 'lazy' loading, fingerprinting, responsiveness
I was looking around for an easy way to what I was trying to achieve.. but didn’t find it, so I decided to create a pipe (that’s what they are called, right ? :D) on my own. I was basically trying to achieve these things: Adding html image lazy load …
November 10, 2020
Paused Bitbucket pipelines monitoring
This is one of the problems we experience with Bitbucket Pipelines, if there are multiple commits/merges to our main branches within short period of time, only first commit is basically deployed because bitbucket pauses the rest. This is somewhat …
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